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Excellence Everyday

Year 5 class 

'Excellence Everyday'

'Learn, Live, Laugh and Love Ashurst'

Learn to be inspiring and make a difference to this world, we know how amazing you are,

Live with understanding and compassion for others, knowing we are all different and special in a community where equality stands tall,

Laugh and listen to the enjoyment of learning and excitement of everyone celebrating their achievements,

Love Ashurst, our special school and the hub of supportive staff, parents and children who aim high to be the best they can be.

Year 5 - Important Information

About the Year 5 class 

Year 5 - Mrs E. Hunter

             - Miss A. Forshaw 

Learning Assistants-  Mrs W. Duffy

Year 5 is an extremely exciting year. A chance for our children to develop their confidence, independence and cooperation through a wide range of activities. As a member of the Year 5 team, children are encouraged to do the very best they can at every opportunity and the range of experiences are ever increasing. Excellence is key to what we do, whether children are inspired by a particular text or an exciting Geography project.  Children will find our topics exciting which will make their experience in year 5 a rewarding one. 

Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual, enabling them to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve their full potential. That's why at Ashurst Mental health and well-being are high priority.  We work hard to support the children to be happy and free from worry and anxieties. Therefore, we encourage the children to connect, be active, keep learning, help others and take notice. We also use wonderful stories to explore themes linked to mental health and  well-being. 

Learning Environment

 Our Learning Environment is specifically organised to be rewarding and stimulating. Children are encouraged to take ownership of displays and areas so that they grow with them throughout the year. English and Maths are obviously very important and the key skills to excel in these areas are evident in the classroom environment to support the children's learning. Help is never far away and children find examples of best practice close to hand. We have working walls and writing resources, all of which are designed to help with our children's learning. We are certain the children will learn from their time with us and demonstrate their learning through high quality work.


All individuals

Each child enters Year Five at a different stage. Therefore we treat every child as an individual and plan to cater for their individual needs. We understand that every child learns in a different way and has different interests and it is our aim to adapt our teaching to suit the children. We encourage their independence throughout, allowing them to take ownership of their learning and achievements and to understand how to solve problems on their own.


Rules and Routines

 At the beginning of the year, children are encouraged to contribute to our class rules and vision. This runs alongside the schools  policies and procedures and is expected to further improve the learning environment for all and in turn develop strategies for 'Behaviour for Learning'. Conversation and discussion are encouraged in Year 5 and is balanced with dedication to learn and succeed through quiet and independent work.        


  • Doors open 8:45am
  • Registration for Year 5 takes place at 8:55 am and the school day ends at 3:15pm 

Important things to remember: -

  • Please provide a healthy snack for your child to eat at 10.45am playtime. Lunch will be at 12:30pm.
  • Each child can have their own water bottle on their desk, please provide these with their name on.
  • We have PE every Monday and Wednesday– please ensure that your child attends school on this day in their PE kit  On these days children must wear the following PE uniform: Black jogging bottoms or black sports leggings , white PE tops , black hoody tops . Or a Summer PE kit : the usual red shorts and the white PE top.
  • There is a big emphasis placed on homework and extending learning beyond the classroom. This will usually consist of Math's activities (online), SPAG.com (online), Spellings (online), Reading Plus (online) and Times Table Rockstars (online)  but may at times relate to other subjects. Homework is set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday – please ensure you bring back spellings to Miss Hunter and complete online tasks on time.   Children are expected to have rapid recall of all their times tables so it is essential children access Times Table Rockstars daily.  We recommend little and often and a multi-sensory approach can help children to learn.
  • We will begin to send home reading books out as soon as we have read with your child. Returned books will go into a quarantined box before being returned to the library. Your child will select a new home reading book from the school library every Wednesday, if they need to change it.  We encourage the children to read at home every night but at least three times each week. This is part of the homework expectations and we appreciate your support with this. Your child has their own personal reading record for you to record their reading journey. We expect these to be completed every time your child reads their school book. 
  • Topic webs will be uploaded onto this class page in the first week of each half term. Topic webs will inform you of the learning taking place and will provide a list of project homework activities to complete at home.  We are looking forward to you emailing in, or posting onto Seesaw, photos of your wonderful work for our class page on the website. 
  • Children are asked not to bring any other personal items into school; we will provide all necessary stationery.
  • And finally, we will continue to use SEESAW to facilitate additional homework tasks. This will enable staff to set work, monitor work and provide feedback online. 


What do we learn?

We have daily Maths and English/SPAG lessons.  Our mastery approach in Maths develops mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving to allow children to gain a deeper understanding of the unit of work. We learn our Maths skills in different ways through practical resources and written tasks. We continue to work hard when recalling our multiplication and division facts.  Our English work links to a whole class text or book. We use the text to explore grammatical features and to provide us with inspiration for exploring and writing different text types.  We have reading lessons to help us work on year group reading objectives and have daily opportunities to read across the curriculum. In addition, we read frequently at home on Reading Plus as well as books from school or from home. We learn to read then read to learn!

We have a broad and balanced curriculum with lots of exciting lessons on a range of topics including:  The Maya Civilisation and Central America, Game Creator, Living things and their habitats, Animals including humans, Frame Structures, Collage, North America, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Coding etc.  We aim to grow scientists, historians, geographers, artists, linguists, musicians and much more!  We make links with different subjects across the curriculum and aim to apply our Maths and English skills in different contexts. Click on the topic webs or Long Term Plan for more information about the exciting learning taking place all year in year 5. 

Book recommendations for Year 5

Follow the link below to view a wealth of recommended books for your child in Year 5. 

You will never be short of book suggestions with this site. Children we hope you find something you love.

'The Reader Teacher' - Visit this site to view 100 'must reads' for YEAR 5  https://www.thereaderteacher.com/year5 

Year 5 Long Term Plan 2024-2025

Year 5 Topic Webs

 Aut 1 Topic Web.pdfDownload
 Aut 2 Topic Web 2024.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Topic Web 2025 Y5.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3


Learning 2024-2025

Autumn Term

Art - LS Lowry

This half term we explore the work of LS Lowry and draw using the technique of perspective. Through observational drawings of buildings from historic photos and direct observation of the school and surrounding buildings we understand and practise perspective to create the illusion that something is 3D on a flat surface.

Online Safety Workshop

We learned all about how to stay safe online in our Online Safety Workshop. We know about the benefits and risks of social media and our digital footprint.

Science - Properties and changes of materials

In our science topic this term we learned  to compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets.

 We know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution and describe how to recover a substance from a solution.

 We used our knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating.

 We demonstrated that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes and explained that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible.

P.E. Basketball

 We have learned to effectively pass and move to keep possession of the ball, refined our dribbling skills and started to enhance our defending skills.


Computing - Internet Safety

We are learning all about Internet safety. During out topic we learn to think critically about the information tat we share online, know who to tell if something upsets us online and how to use SMART rules as guidance when online.

Travel Safety Workshop

 During our workshop we learned all about how to keep safe when travelling on public transport.