(01744) 678150


Excellence Everyday

Curriculum Documents

At Ashurst Primary school we value our board and balanced curriculum that provides our children with a wealth of knowledge and experiences.  As a school, we have ensured all subject areas provide a clear sequence to learning that embeds knowledge and understanding, ensuring key knowledge sticks and can be transferred to other learning.  Below you are able to access our curriculum documents showing sequenced learning for individual subject areas.

Our children receive a quality education with sequential learning that embeds knowledge an understanding as children progress throughout year groups we use the termly end points to ensure progression, coverage and sequential learning.


Our curriculum documents listed below show specific knowledge being taught which supports children knowing and remembering more.  The key knowledge builds on prior knowledge and is supported through metacognition approaches as well as 'Retrieval and Rewind' assessments and our 'Little and Often' interactive displays.  All which embed knowledge and support children in applying their knowledge as they progress throughout school and within different subjects through connections in the well planned curriculum.
