Personal Development and Ethos
Personal development is high priority at Ashurst Primary School as pupils are offered varied and rich enrichment experiences as part of their learning journey entitlement whilst at Ashurst. Ashurst provides extensive personal development opportunities linking closely with our school values, enabling children to thrive with raised aspirations, taking pride in their success and fully preparing them as future British citizens.
Our values and nurturing approach are the heartbeat of our school and impact upon well-being and behaviour. As a result, our pupils show self-confidence and self-awareness through their interactions in learning and various roles within school. Children clearly articulate the shared expectations, know their role as leaders within the school and talk with pride about their school. In addition, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural values interlink and are a golden thread in all aspects of school life ensuring our children are respectful, caring and thoughtful citizens of the future.
Furthermore, our nurturing ethos provides an environment which enables us to support parents/carers and pupils alike; ensuring positive outcomes impacting on standards and learning for all.
Please see the link below for further information regarding our work and development on mental health and well-being linked to PATHS programme.
PATHS Parent voice feedback
'They both came home excited to show us their compliment list and Bethany ran around the house asking us all to fill in the sheet with compliments for her. It is such a lovely individual experience for all of the children and a lovely idea.'